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Geekbench Preview 2

I just downloaded Geekbench Preview 2 and ran it on my PowerMac G5 2x2.5 GHz. Looks like it's faster then MacBook Pro Intel Core Duo 2.0GHz. I'm a little bit amazed.

Below are results of benchmark:

Geekbench Information
Version: Geekbench Preview 2 (r73)
Compiler: GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)

System Information
OS: Version 10.4.5 (Build 8H14)
Model: PowerMac7,3
Motherboard: PowerMac7,3
CPU: PowerPC G5 (970)
CPU ID: 18, 100
CPU Count (Physical): 2
CPU Count (Logical): 2
CPU Frequency: 2500 MHz
Bus Frequency: 1250 MHz
Memory: 2560 MB

CPU Integer Performance
Emulate 6502 192 (1 thread, 342.7 megahertz)
Emulate 6502 346 (4 threads, 632.6 megahertz)
Blowfish 170 (1 thread, 235.1 megabytes/sec)
Blowfish 289 (4 threads, 439.5 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 159 (1 thread, 28.52 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Compress 274 (4 threads, 51.04 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 172 (1 thread, 71.85 megabytes/sec)
bzip2 Decompress 303 (4 threads, 128.3 megabytes/sec)

CPU Floating Point Performance
Mandelbrot 162 (1 thread, 1.09 gigaflops)
Mandelbrot 289 (4 threads, 2.024 gigaflops)

Memory Performance
Latency 247 (1 thread, 42.29 nanoseconds/load)
Read Sequential 254 (1 thread, 1.85 gigabytes/sec)
Write Sequential 187 (1 thread, 1.077 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 139 (1 thread, 108.6 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Allocate 142 (4 threads, 112.1 kiloallocs/sec)
Stdlib Write 143 (1 thread, 2.249 gigabytes/sec)
Stdlib Copy 141 (1 thread, 1.058 gigabytes/sec)

Stream Performance
Stream Copy 140 (1 thread, 1.919 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Scale 140 (1 thread, 1.913 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Add 146 (1 thread, 2.015 gigabytes/sec)
Stream Triad 129 (1 thread, 1.82 gigabytes/sec)

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